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Cafe Melange

With personalities at the coffee table

for 2 - 4 players       +10 years                       Author: Stephan Riedel                 Illustrationen: Christian Opperer


We go back to the year 1910. It is busy in the coffee houses located throughout Vienna. The Café Central is a popular meeting point for famous personalities from Art, Literature, Politics and Science.

Players receive victory points by cleverly placing different visitors in specific locations within the Cafe. Before a visitor can be seated at a table, they must first reserve their seat.

Some want to sit at a round table while others may like the grey table or the olive green chair. As the game progresses, each visitor’s seat preferences will be narrowed until there is only one location that meets their needs.

With the help of reservation cards and the related markers that are placed by the players during the game, the number of chairs a visitor can be seated in is reduced. For example: If a visitor wants to sit at a round table and at a turquoise chair, a player can attempt to reduce the number of possible locations available until there is just one marker left and the seat of the visitor is determined.

game material

  • 92 reservation cards

  • 28 action cards

  • 124 different wooden markers in 6 colors

  • 40 character cards

  • 1 waiter

  • 1 game board

  • 1 rule of the game

Game material

  • 92 reservation cards

  • 28 action cards

  • 124 different wooden markers in 6 colors

  • 40 person cards

  • 1 waiter

  • 1 game board

  • 1 game rule

"It is a competitive logic thinking game, the selection is always further narrowed by new cards. Because the mechanism works well and because of the beautiful thematic implementation it is also a lot of fun. Especially I would like to emphasize the beautiful graphical implementation.
The only drawback: The price is a bit high, which is probably due to the small edition in the own publishing house.
But I still recommend it, because everybody (from 8 to 51 years) has enjoyed it so far. Besides, it's finally a game again that's not named after a city name or where you have to ship raw materials."
Ludwig G. 30.12.2013

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