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The Criminal Trial
3rd expansion for 1 - 4 players +10 years       Author :  Stephan Riedel     Illustrations:Christian Opperer

*only playable with the base game

The criminal trial against Johannes Bueckler and 67 other defendants was opened on October 24, 1803 in the large academy hall of the former electoral palace in Mainz.

Players compete to be the quickest to solve the riddle about Schinderhannes (where did Schinderhannes commit the street robbery, where did the robber's ball take place, etc.).

The 'The Trial' expansion plays like Parker's well-known 'CLUEDO', but offers new tactical solution options through the partial information on the backs of the info cards.

Material: Schinderhannes skat sheet, 24 markers, notepad, rules

Black Peter
2nd expansion for 2 - 4 players  +10 years  Author :  Stephan Riedel    Illustrations:Christian Opperer

*only playable with the base game

Johann Peter Petri is one of the most notorious robbers in Germany

'Peter Petri the Elder ' the 'alte Schwarzpeter' or the 'old Black Peter'. The name of a well-known card game for children reminds us of these crooks today. In the 19th century, he was even more popular under the name 'Schwarzer Peter' than Johannes Bueckler (1777-1803)  'Schinderhannes' who today is usually referred to as the most famous German robber.

The 2nd expansion contains 8 Schwarzer Peter cards. These cards allow players to 'negate' information.

Schwarzer Peter brings eight cards which can be played together with an info card and negates the location information of the info card.WIN 494 www.gamesjournal/

1st expansion for 2 players +10 years Author :  Stephan Riedel    Illustrations:Christian Opperer

*only playable with the base game

Juliana Blasius (also: Blaesius; Julchen) (born August 22, 1781 in Weierbach (today in Idar-Oberstein; † 3. July 1851 ibid) was the last Robber bride of Johannes Bückler, known as Schinderhannes, with whom she lived for three years and from whom she had a child


In addition to the base game, players each receive 4 task cards that specify exactly where a specific crime must have taken place. The players receive special points for fulfilling the task cards.

Julchen is an enrichment for Schinderhannes - and not only as a lover, but also for two players. The order cards make the game for two even more tactical and exciting. The adjusted rules, especially the new division of the draw piles, make sense and are successful.December 21, 2011 - (ms),

Schinderhannes solo
Solitaire game for 1 playerab 10 Jahren      Author :  Stephan Riedel     Illustrations:Christian Opperer

Card game with 12 puzzles

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